Knowledge base 148: Backing up IA Main SQL Database via a command prompt

Knowledge base 148: Backing up IA Main SQL Database via a command prompt

The following can be used from CMD to backup a name database on the identity access SQL instance.

Run a Windows command prompt and use the commands below:

WIndows Authentication : 
sqlcmd -E -S .\identityaccess -Q "BACKUP DATABASE IAMAIN TO DISK='c:\temp\IAMainBackup.bak'"

SQL Server Authentication : 
SQLCMD -S .\IDENTITYACCESS -U sa -P (Insert_SA_PasswordHere) -Q "BACKUP DATABASE IAMAIN TO DISK='c:\temp\IAMainBackup.bak'"

Change the SQL instance, location, Password (if using SQL Login)  and backup name if required - location must be in ' ' single quotes.

Once the backup completes successfully you will see the name of the files used in the database and a success or failed message.

Processed 4616 pages for database 'IAMAIN', file 'IADataFile' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'IAMAIN', file 'IADataFile_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed4618 pages in 5.096 seconds (7.079 MB/sec).

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