This bulletin explains how to configure Identity Access to automatically email controller monitoring events, informing customers of issues on site. The following monitoring events can be set up:
1. Controller Disconnect – Shows when the controller has dropped offline.
2. Controller Connect – Shows when the controller has come online.
3. Mains Fail On / Off - Shows when the 110V / 230V AC has been disconnected or connect onto the units power supply. (Prewired for 2 Door iNet Controllers supplied with a power supply and enclosure)
4. Battery Fault On / Off - Shows when the power supplies 12V battery is unhealthy or has been disconnected. (Prewired for 2 Door iNet Controllers supplied with a power supply and enclosure)
5. PSU Fault On / Off - Shows when the power supply has a general fault. (Prewired for 1 Door iNet Controllers supplied with a power supply and enclosure)
6. Tamper On / Off - Shows when the box lid tamper has activated. (Prewired for all iNet Controllers supplied with an enclosure)
The power supply and tamper monitoring inputs require enabling before they can be setup to be used in conjunction with email notifications.
1. Within Identity Access, Click System (on versions below 9.1.88 this tab is Setup) and select Controllers
1. Within Identity Access, Click System (on versions below 9.1.88 this tab is Setup) tab and select Configuration
Description = A meaningful name for the template
SMTP Server Settings =These settings are supplied by your Company IT or ISP and include:
SMTP Server Name
Port Number
Encryption Method, if applicable
Username and Password of your Email Account
From: The Email Address of the Sender
To: The Email Address of the recipient
CC: The Email Address of anyone else to be copied into the Email
Subject: A meaningful subject so the Email can be recognized as important by the recipient/s
Body: The main body of the Email
NOTE: The ‘Subject & Body’ can be edited when creating the email action to ensure relevance to the detected event.
1. Within Identity Access select the Advanced tab and select Events
2. Click on the + icon to add a new event. This will open the ‘Action Wizard’ – Click ‘Next’
8. The event will now be displayed on the Events page