Knowledge base 108: Identity Access 8 - Sigma Series HID Prox 26 bit Settings

Knowledge base 108: Identity Access 8 - Sigma Series HID Prox 26 bit Settings

This requires an IA-PRO license if you do not have an IA-PRO license please contact

The following Knowledge base describes the 3 options of how to configure Identity Access to work with the Idemia Morpho Series HID Prox technology readers to allow for HID Prox + Biometrics, HID Prox or Biometrics and HID Prox Only.

Option 1. HID Prox Card Only.
1. First ensure the Identity Access software is installed, watch the following video installation guide if needed and the Identity Access Licensing Guide here .

2. Next please install Morpho Tool Box which is found on the IA-STD USB Drive under Extras or you can download it from our website .

Email for login details.

3. If you require the Biometric reader to work in ACU Mode, please configure the doors, readers and groups in Identity Access by following this video setup guide 

4. Next setup your Morpho Device Profile within the IA Server Configuration, application accessed from the Start Menu > All Programs > Controlsoft > IA Server Configuration .

5. Log in & edit the Default Profile by following the screenshot below -

6. Change the "Log retrieval interval (Seconds)" to a minimum of 60 or if using an i-Net ACU disable this setting altogether by unchecking "Realtime logging enabled" as the i-Net handles the logs.

7. Choose " 26bit Wiegand " and
select “
i-Net ACU Mode ” when connected to an i-Net Door Controller, or “ Standalone ” when the reader is being used as a Single Door Controller. 

8. Add the Morpho Device into the IA User Interface, select the Biometric Device Profile you have edited and select “ Accept Users with no fingerprints ”.

9. Load the Download Server and click on " Biometric Devices " tab, click the " Refresh List " button. Ensure the reader comes online and perform a rebuild. Once the Device Status is “ Ready ” and the Tasks are 0 go to the next stage.

10. Go back to the IA User Interface and double-click the Morpho Device. Under Device Profile select “ External Profile ”.

11. From the IA User Interface add a new Group.  Management > Groups > Click the green plus icon

12. Give the group a name and then select the "Morpho Readers" tab in the Group Properties and tick the reader you created earlier.

13. Click Accept.

14. Open Morpho Tool Box (MBTB) and connect to the Device.
15. Click on the Key Configuration icon.

16. Scroll Down and change the settings below by clicking the entry in “ Local ”, changing the entry and click the Green Tick.

Local Setting           

17. Click the “ Write ” Button.

18. Now enroll an Employee token to the IA system without enrolling the Biometrics ensuring you tick " Allow no fingerprints " (shown below). 

Option 2. HID Prox OR Biometric under 1 user.
1. Follow the same as option 1 above but when it comes to Enrolling an Employee you enroll the biometrics along with the Token by clicking the " Fingerprints " tab.
A biometric enrollment video guide can be found here if needed -

Option 3. HID Prox AND Biometrics (Dual Authentication).

1. Follow steps for option 1 above, but for the MBTB settings use the following instead -

Local Setting          

2. Click the “ Write ” Button.

3. Now enroll an Employee, the Token Number should be the employee's card number and enroll their biometrics under the same user.
A biometric enrollment video guide can be found here if needed -