Knowledge base 160: Changing the IP address of Sigma series reader

Knowledge base 160: Changing the IP address of Sigma series reader

  1. Open your web browser and type in the IP address of your Morpho Reader into the URL bar. You may see a message that says 'site is not secure'. Depending on browser, you will need to click advanced or details in order to proceed.
  2. Once the webpage loads, login to your device. The default password is 12345.

      3. In the left-hand menu, select Terminal Settings and then Communication. 

      4. Scroll down to IPv4 Network. Make sure DHCP is not ticked. Type in the new IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway.

           5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click save.

Your device network settings have now been changed. 

TIP: If you are unsure how to change your network adapter settings on your computer, check out this video: