Knowledge base 167: Manually configure the HID Biometric Manager database

Knowledge base 167: Manually configure the HID Biometric Manager database

How to manually configure the RB25F database connection

If you are unable to view the connection window shown in Knowledge base 165, you can connect to the database manually following the steps below. 

If you are unsure about any of the steps below, please contact technical support.

1. Open the persistence.xml in a text editor.
Typically this is located in;
C:\Program Files (x86)\HID Global\Biometric Manager\1.0.7XX.XXXXX\META-INF
Where 1.0.7XX.XXXXX is the latest version of Biometric Manager that is running).
Program files only lets you edit files if the program is running as administrator, so you will either need to run the text editor with admin privileges or you will need to copy the file to the desktop, edit it there and then copy it back providing admin privileges to overwrite the file.
2. There are two sections in this file that you need to edit;
Please make a copy of this file and store it so it can be used as a backup if the re-configuration fails.
a. Persistence -> persistence-unit (The one with the name “portal.upgrade”) -> properties. Edit the values for
i. javax.persistence.jdbc.user
ii. javax.persistence.jdbc.password
iii. javax.persistence.jdbc.url
iv. There should be a property with the name “userconfig.database.type”, if it does not exist you might need to create it.
A value of “0” means Microsoft SQL Server. A value of “1” means localDB.
b. Persistence -> persistence-unit (The one with the name “test”) -> properties. Edit the values for
i. javax.persistence.jdbc.user
ii. javax.persistence.jdbc.password
iii. javax.persistence.jdbc.url
iv. There should be a property with the name “userconfig.database.type”, if it does not exist you might need to create it. A value of “0” means Microsoft SQL Server. A value of “1” means localDB.