Knowledge base 177: Card + Pin (Dual Authentication) within Identity Access 9

Knowledge base 177: Card + Pin (Dual Authentication) within Identity Access 9

This knowledge base explains how to configure Identity Access V9 for Card and Pin, otherwise known as Dual Authentication.
It's important the reader is used with the default 4-bit burst output and that the reader has not been flashed to output the pin as 26-bit card emulation.
Requirements -
Identity Access V8 or above
iNet Door Controller 
Keypad Prox reader in 4 Bit Burst Mode, for example an IA-RPK40, IA-RK40 or RX1K00
1. Within Identity Access navigate to SETUP --> CARD READERS.
2. Double click the PIN Pad reader,
3. Tick the option 'Reader has a PIN pad attached' and click ACCEPT.

4. Navigate to Management ---> Employees / Visitors or Contractors
5. Edit the user and input the PIN number (max 8 digit) in the window and click accept. The user will now have to use a card and a PIN number to gain access.
The PIN has to be followed by #.

PIN PAD Time Zone

When "Reader has a PIN pad attached' is checked, this enables the "PIN Pad Times" tab to appear. Within Identity Access it is possible to restrict Card + PIN (Dual Authentication) to only certain times.

1. Create a Time Zone, by click Setup ---> Time Zones. Click  to add a new Time Zone.
2. Name the Time Zone and select the times in which you wish for Dual Authentication to be used.

Due to the time zone going over midnight, 2 Time Periods have had to be used.
3. Go to Setup ---> Card Readers, edit your Card Reader with a PIN Pad attached.
4. Go to "PIN Pad Times" and select the newly created Time Zone.

5. Click Accept and the Time Zone will be applied to the PIN Pad.
You can apply this Time Zone to more than 1 PIN Pad.

If you have any problems with the above setup please contact