Reflashing of 4th Generation iNet Controllers Via Micro SD card
Knowledge Base 217 : Performing iNet Controller Firmware Updates
Requirements -
- iNet Door Controller.
- iNet Controller Firmware Files.
- Provisions to to make sure the doors and door controllers are accessible during the update.
- Access to the Identity Access software.
Identifying your iNet controller version
Different versions of iNet controllers require different firmware versions. The different versions are distinguishable by their processor board (the smaller board that is seated on top of the PCB), the below table shows examples of each controller along with how to distinguish their type and what firmware file is required from
Example Images
Distinguishable Features
Firmware File Name
iNet V4
Blue PCB with small green Processor board labelled as Variscite.
Firmware Updates can only be performed with the below method from EMS 9.048 or above. Please contact Controlsoft Technical Support if you are attempting to upgrade a controller on EMS 9.046 or 9.047.
iNet 1DR & 2DR Controllers - Latest Firmware Version
iNet V2 + V3
Green PCB with blue Processor Board Labelled as M502.
iNet V3 Controller - Latest Firmware Version
iNet V1
Green PCB with green Processor Board labelled as M501.
This product is now End of Life. Contact Controlsoft Technical Support for the latest Firmware release.
WARNING - during any Firmware Upgrade the iNet door controllers will be unresponsive until they have been reprogrammed and redownloaded. It is advised to make sure the doors and door controllers are accessible during the update.
iNet V3 Controller - Firmware Upgrade
1. Download the latest version of the "iNet V3 Controller Firmware" from the login area of our website. This is located at
2. Locate the CSUpdate ZIP file, by default this will be located in your downloads folder. Right Click and select Extract All...
3. Go into the extracted folder and double click "update_ems_vxxxx.bat"
4. Type in the IP address of the iNet you wish to update and click enter.
5. If you receive the "Store key in cache? (y/n)" message, type y and press enter.
6. Wait for the update to complete, the unit will then reboot.
7. Once the unit is back online with Identity Access, go to Setup > Controllers. Single click the controller, and select the icon.
A Video of the process can also be located below:
1DR-PCB or 2DR-PCB iNet Controller
Firmware Updates can only be performed with the below method from EMS 9.048 or above. Please contact Controlsoft Technical Support if you are attempting to upgrade a controller on EMS 9.046 or 9.047.
The firmware that the iNet left the factory on will be on a label on the Processor as indicated in the photos below.
Alternatively, this can be located within Identity Access, go to Setup > Controllers. Click on the . The firmware version of the master controller and relevant downstream controllers can be located as shown below:
Master Controller Firmware0
Downstream Controller Firmware
1. Type in the IP Address of your controller into a web browser.
2. At the "Your connection is not private" message, click "Advanced" and click "Proceed to".
3. Login to the iNet door controller. If the webpage asks for a Username and Password then use:
Username: inet-admin
Password: inetadm01@!
IF the webpage only asks for a Password then this will have previously been set. If the webpage asks you to set the password then proceed to set a new Password and then continue to login with your new password.
4. Select "i-Net Configuration"
5. Select "Firmware Upload"
6. Click "Choose File" under the Upload section, browse to the .ipk file downloaded from our website.
7. Select Upload, once the file shows "Your file was uploaded successfully" press "Install".
8. When the message appear saying "The package XXX.ipk was installed successfully", the iNet will restart and perform its firmware update.
The controller may be down for 5 minutes, during this time do not disturb/ down power the iNet door controller.
9. Once the controller is back on the network, log back into the webpage and check that the EMS Version is correct.
10. Once the unit is back online within Identity Access, go to Setup > Controllers. Single click the controller, and select the icon.
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