Knowledge base 179: Identity Access 9 MorphoManager BioBridge Guide

Knowledge base 179: Identity Access 9 MorphoManager BioBridge Guide

The following guide explains how to configure the link between Identity Access version 9 and MorphoManager BioBridge for enrolling biometrics.
For a guide on installing Identity Access click here
For a guide on installing MorphoManager click here
Prerequisites -
Identity Access version 9 (available from
MorphoManager 14.x onwards (available from

Configuration of Identity Access for BioBridge:

1. Run the IA Configuration application from Start Menu > Controlsoft > IA Configuration.
2. Log in with Admin credentials (Default = Admin & Password).
3. Click the Biometrics on the left then  Enrollment Settings at the top and scroll down, tick 'Use MorphoManager' under the fingerprint acquisition section.

4. Click  Accept.
5, Next ensure you have a group created in IA for your biometric users.
6. Under the group properties, ensure you have ticked 'MorphoManager Group'

Installation of ODBC Driver:

The installation of the ODBC Driver needs to be done prior to configuring the MorphoManager BioBridge link to Identity Access.
1. Run the 'msodbcsql.msi'
2. Click on Next 
3. Accept the license terms and click Next

4. Click Next

5. Click Install

You may be prompted to Stop the IA Download server, if so please stop this using the IA Service Manager application.

7.  Click Finish

Configuration of MorphoManager BioBridge:

Now that ODBC driver is installed you can configure the BioBridge.
1. First, ensure you have a group configured in IA, this is because BioBridge works by linking the MorphoManager database to the IA database via the groups.
2. Load up the MorphoManager Client and log in with  administrator and  password (unless this has been changed).
3. Next, choose Administration > User Configuration
4. Edit the default user configuration and make this a 'Per User' Access mode and click Finish.

5. Now choose 'User Distribution Group' and Click the Add button
6. Give the MorphoManager group a name and add any readers (this can be done later if needed).
7. Click Finish.

8. Under System Configuration choose the BioBridge tab.
9 From the 'System:' dropdown choose 'MorphoManager Universal BioBridge'
10. Click Configure

11. Instead of ticking 'Use basic....' tick 'Use advanced connection string'
12 Copy and paste this string  Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=.\identityaccess;Database=IAMain;UID=sa;PWD=C0ntr0lS0ftAdm1n@!;

13. Under Groups mode, choose Manual

14. At the bottom of the screen map the MorphoManager group to the Group you created in IA by following the steps below -

15. Now you can log into Identity Access.
16. Add an Employee to the system and place them in the BioBridge linked group
17. Click on Accept.
18. This will launch the BioBridge enrollment client, the login is the same as MorphoManager.
19. Choose the user policy and click Next.
20. Enrol the biometrics for this user which will be sent down to the devices in the User Distribution Group.

If you experience any problems with the above setup, please contact