Knowledge base 134: SSL error solution EDGE EVO solo

Knowledge base 134: SSL error solution EDGE EVO solo

 Sometimes there can be an error when accessing the Edge Evo Solo via a web browser which refers to an SSL Error. Please follow the relevant steps below depending on your browser type.

Internet Explorer

1.  Left-click the gear icon:


2.  Select “Internet options” from the drop-down menu:



3.  Click the “Advanced” tab,  scroll down and deselect “SSL 3.0” and “TLS 1.0”.


4.  Click “OK” to accept your changes, which should take effect immediately. (You may need to refresh your browser.)




1.  In the address bar, type “about:config” and hit enter.



2.  In the “Search” field, enter “tls”. Find and double-click the entry for “security.tls.version.min”.



3.  Set the integer value to “2” to force a minimum protocol of TLS 1.1 (entering “3” would force TLS 1.2).




4.  This configuration will now show the new value and will take effect immediately (don’t forget to clear your cache).